Saturday, April 24, 2010

mystery workshop response

This was an interesting workshop. I had never worked with 3D before and it was nice to have some experience with it. I had researched it and knew how it was done for the larger productions with the polarization. The blue and red filter method that we used I tend not to like very much because of the loss of color and image quality. But that extra depth was actually quite cool. For the shoot, I tried to bring as many items As I thought I could that would give abrupt depth changes. The best thing we used was the rolling chair, skateboard, and the Heely's I wore. We didn't have a story plan or anything just to play with the depth as much as possible. Throwing the baseball bat in was a nice touch though. It gave the film a good event to center on. When the film was finally done, the moments when the three of us were rolling past each other were the best moments of the 3D effect. The Frisbee was a fail. It was cool to know how to do the 3D on my own. It wasn't all that difficult to do. Its not expensive to do, you just need two cameras. And I mean, I you can just move the single image over a little bit, which is i guess how they convert non 3D films into 3D. It was fun making the glasses too. It's nice to have them around for future projects. I wish that I would have been more involved in what we did to it on the computer. I don't think I could do it without any guidance. It would be really nice to have a written guide of some kind for future reference if I wanted to do another 3D project. It was very cool, and I can't wait to see it on the big screen. I think it will be alot better than on the computer screen.

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