Monday, March 22, 2010

The Saturday Shoot

This Saturday shoot was pretty interesting. There was alot of planning and preparation that went into the shot because we only had one shot at getting it right. It made me pretty nervous when we came down to actually on the footage. We rehearsed several times, which was dangerous for me because I was using a trip and fall gag for my character. We had to cater to accessibility to make sure that nothing would interrupt our scene. When I arrived, sorry was a little late, everyone was sitting at the bus station by Randall parkway. My first concern when I got there was that the traffic would be way to heavy for us to shoot there. I knew the cameraman was going to have to go into the street if we were going to get the shot we wanted. We had to find a new location so we trekked over to the bus stop in front of King. That location worked out great. We were able to explore the space rehearse multiple times and it even inspired the trip and fall gag that I threw into it. It wouldn't have been the same if it would have been at the other location. I was a little surprised that we were able to get everything done before 4 pm. The shooting the processing and the transfer, all done in less that 4 hours. The film that we ended up with wasn't quite what I imagined it was going to be during shooting, and nobody laughed at my fall gag, but it was still fun making it(the film-not the fall). We couldn't have asked for a more perfect day to shoot outside. The clear sky gave a us great lighting. I enjoyed being creative with the 8mm camera for a little while. I tried to do some fun things with in camera editing. Changing one person into another, and just selecting interesting little bits of my classmates interactions. I am looking forward to seeing that footage. Overall I had a very exciting adventure again in the sibyoneiverse.

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